CycleSync Dashboard
Technique Overview
Dash (plotly)
Geospatial Visualization
Continuous Integration/Deployment
Github Actions
Reproducible Environments
Testing Frameworks
User Experience/Interface
Project Motivation
CycleSync, our innovative Bikeshare Dashboard project, was born out of a need to comprehensively analyze and visualize bikeshare system data. This tool caters to the diverse interests of bikeshare enthusiasts, city planners, and data analysts. By synthesizing data from Mobi by Rogers, a prominent bikeshare company based in Vancouver, we aim to provide valuable insights into usage patterns, popular stations, and the overall health of the bikeshare system.
Dashboard Sketch (Figma)

Dashboard Features
CycleSync's feature-rich dashboard offers an immersive experience for users:
Active Stations Map: An interactive map displaying the current status and location of active bikeshare stations, allowing users to explore and understand the distribution of bike availability across the city.
Ride Statistics: Key metrics like the number of rides, maximum duration, and maximum distance traveled are highlighted through visually appealing cards, providing a quick overview of the bikeshare system's performance.
Day of the Week Analysis: Dive into bikeshare usage trends by day of the week, empowering users to identify patterns and plan accordingly.​
Common End Station Analysis: Visualize the most common end stations, shedding light on popular biking routes and optimizing station placements.
User-Friendly Navigation: The sidebar navigation facilitates seamless movement between different sections, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.
Responsive Design: The dashboard is optimized for various devices, from desktops to mobiles, ensuring accessibility for users on the go.
CycleSync is not just a bikeshare dashboard; it's a dynamic platform designed to enrich the understanding of bikeshare systems, contributing to informed decision-making and fostering a more sustainable and efficient urban mobility ecosystem.